Ainsley Andres

Ainsley Andres grew up in Guelph, Ontario, surrounded by technology as a creative enthusiast, digital designer, and storyteller. She is skilled and knowledgeable about communication and experience design, as well as creative strategy.

Ainsley obtained her undergraduate degree in Global Business and Digital Arts from The Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business at the University of Waterloo. Through this program of creative design, business ethics and innovative technology, Ainsley enhanced her technical skills while working in cross functional teams. In 2019, she was fortunate to study abroad at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Melbourne Australia, where an interest in publication design and photojournalism sparked.

Ainsley joined Small Farm Canada as a Content Creator in 2021. She continues to challenge herself by exploring different creative approaches while learning through successes and failures. Ainsley is enthusiastic to create and design with the purpose of communicating meaningful messages that benefit the small farm community and recognize their importance.

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