Renewable Energy

Renewable energy refers to a renewable or green energy source that does not deplete the environment of natural resources. These sources of energy don’t produce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and are infinite. Some common examples of renewable energy sources include wind, solar, geothermal, and bioenergy Combining renewable energy and agriculture can provide farmers with an alternative option when it comes to fuels and further become a more cost-efficient energy resource.


Choosing the Right Renewable Energy System for your Farm


Before deciding what renewable energy source to invest in, first calculate the farm’s electricity needs. An analysis will include determining the wattage and average daily use of all electrical devices. This includes refrigerators, lights, televisions, power tools, etc. Some of these loads use electricity all the time, while others may be plugged in intermittently. Less energy consumption will provide the opportunity for choosing a smaller or less expensive renewable energy system.


To determine the electricity consumption on-site, multiply the wattage of each appliance by the number of hours it is used daily, considering seasonal variations. The wattage is normally provided on appliances stickers or cords, but if it is not, it can be calculated by multiplying the amperes by the volts. This examination will help determine the size and cost of the system needed, the fluctuations of energy consumption throughout the day and seasons, and measures that can be taken to reduce electricity use.


Every renewable energy source has its own benefits, whether that be a cheaper initial fee, better long-term value, or the ease of supply or access to the resource. Before deciding on a system, be sure to determine the farm’s energy consumption and how many kWh the system you choose will generate annually.

Renewable Energy Resources for small farms in Canada

  • Bioenergy

    Bioenergy is a renewable energy source that is derived from biomass, which is organic matter such as plants, algae material, or animal waste. Read more

  • Comparing Wind Turbines and Solar Panels

    Maintaining, cleaning, and using renewable energy sources can result in savings of 15 to 75 percent on a small farm. Read more

  • Geothermal Energy

    Geothermal energy/power uses the heat that is generated and stored in the earth’s crust. It taps into underground reservoirs of steam and hot water, and harnesses that heat to generate electricity. Read more

  • Solar Energy

    Solar energy is a renewable energy source that harnesses radiant light and heat from the sun to power technological systems such as photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), and solar heating and cooling systems (SHC). Read more

  • Wind Energy

    Wind energy or wind power is a type of renewable energy that uses wind flow to generate electricity. Read more

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