Honeybees benefit from foraging on organic farms. Pesticides have been linked with colony collapse disorder so it is logical to assume that organic foraging grounds are better than non-organic. French researchers found that there are even more benefits to having beehives near organic farms. Hives close to organically managed fields had greater performance, including a higher number of living bees and greater worker brood production. This may lead to greater winter survival.
A main benefit from organic farms is the diversity and abundance of food for the honeybees. The non-organic fields tended to have peak flowering times of crops and a lack of flowers in between. In contrast, the organic farms had not only a greater diversity of flowering crops, but also flowering cover crops and weeds, and had flowering plants throughout the growing season. Honeybees benefit from a steady supply of flowers, as well as a variety of flowers.
Source: Wintermantel, Dimitry, Jean-François Odoux, Joël Chadœuf, Vincent Bretagnolle. 2019. Organic farming positively affects honeybee colonies in a flower-poor period in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology. Published June 25. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13447