Finances and Budgets
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What are co-ops and what can a farm coop look like?
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Se préparer à présenter une demande de prêt
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Cover Crop Research
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Dig into Horticulture: Fruit Grower Perspectives
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Organic Agronomy Producers Meeting (SaskOrganics)
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An Introduction to Human Resources for Small-scale Farm Operations
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Habitat & Biodiversity Assessment Tool Webinar
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Business Plan Panel
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Breaking Barriers: Growing Future Farmers | Land
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SaskOrganics Special Members’ Meeting
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Working Well Workshop
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Talk Ask Listen | Fort Assiniboine, AB
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How to Sell Your Food Product
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L’importance de créer des liens dans sa communauté
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Land Access Panel Discussion
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Rock My Business Idea
Meeting Small Business Requirements on the Farm
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Working Well Workshop
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CFGA OFCAF Claims Information Session
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How women can be the change for their finances
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Rock My Business Plan
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Beef Health and Nutrition Webinar
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Marketing and Distribution
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Costing & Pricing to Make Profits
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Les changements climatiques en agriculture
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Field of Mind: Supporting Men's Mental Well-Being
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Rock My Cash Flow
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CFGA OFCAF Claims Information Session
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Yard-Free Composting Workshop
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Développer son marché de ventes au Québec
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Food Business Planning Workshop | Virtual
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Crops & Horticulture Biosecurity
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Environmental Farm Plan Workshop - Virtual
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Working Well Workshop
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Économie circulaire: revaloriser ses déchets sur son exploitation
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Farmer-Led Research Symposium
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Environmental Farm Plan Workshop - Virtual
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Basics of Starting a Small Business
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Gérer son stress et mieux concilier travail, famille et vie personnelle
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Devenir une leader inspirante en agriculture
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Organic Agronomy Producers Meeting (SaskOrganics)
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Talk Ask Listen | Online
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Understanding the CanadaGAP Program
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Cultiver la collaboration : la communication intergénérationnelle en milieu agricole
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Harnessing Humics
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Planification et gestion d’entreprise agricole : Clés pour une exploitation réussie
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Préparer demain : Planification de la retraite pour les agricultrices
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Women's role managing HR on family-owned farms
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Exploring cucurbit genetics
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Proactive transition planning: Empowering family, business, and legacy
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Food Business Planning Workshop | Virtual
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Bee Biosecurity
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Environmental Farm Plan Workshop - Virtual
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Livestock Biosecurity Virtual Workshop
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Bee Biosecurity
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Environmental Farm Plan Workshop - Virtual