Even though I have harvested most of the squash, and kick myself (in thought only) that I didn’t take a picture at a more picturesque part of the season - I wanted to share this genius solution for trellising your climbing veg. I have used several types of trellis for squash with varying success, this one seemed to really work well.
I also like to use every bit of property close to the house and outbuildings for vegetables to extend the season. Some gardens areas are pretty compact, so a trellis is a cool tool for a plant that likes to spread it’s vines.
Understanding that squash are sun lovers – we placed this trellis to train squash away from a walkway but at the same time provide enough surface area to grow.
This trellis (a deck railing in a previous life) was just the ticket. It provided a structure for attachment, the surface area for growth and it was free. Best of all a discarded deck railing has found new life as a trellis in season and an off-season windbreak.
The idea for this trellis came from my husband Gavin – we are like-minded recyclers.