An order by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for a B.C. ostrich farm, Universal Ostrich, to kill its 400 birds has been challenged. The farm says the Ostriches are used for research not for meat. Avian Flu killed about 10 percent of its flock according to news reports.
Why did CFIA take this action?
Since December 2021, Canada has been addressing outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The ongoing global outbreak is having a significant effect on the country’s poultry sector.
CFIA is working alongside poultry producers, veterinarians, and communities to manage the situation and limit the spread of the virus.
Avian influenza, particularly H5 and H7 strains, can infect both birds and mammals, including humans. The CFIA has implemented measures to protect animals and public health while supporting poultry farmers and maintaining international trade it says.
The CFIA says that to control the disease, it enforces biosecurity measures, ensures timely removal of infected birds, and oversees proper disposal of carcasses. These actions follow Canada’s Health of Animals Act and align with global standards set by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
CFIA says that although removing affected flocks is difficult for farmers, it is a necessary step to prevent further outbreaks.